Therapy Thursday

Teachers often feel overwhelmed with all the hats we wear, and we have so much to do that we don’t even know where to start and how to tackle our workloads.

When I feel this way, I always start small. Start with one small task and don’t think about or get distracted by the other tasks on your piled on your plate. Focus on that one task and get it completed. Then move to the next task. If you need to take a mental break between tasks, give yourself permission to do so. Go for a walk, watch a favorite show, call a friend or family member, grab a snack, or take a drive. I struggle with performance anxiety and the only way I can successfully deal with it is to get out and do something physical. I used to run when I could (my running hips gave out years ago), today, it might be taking a short walk, reading a chapter of a book(not education related), or even a short ride in the car to the park to look at nature. Even try turning up your favorite song and dancing in your living room, that is of course if you have the energy. Find out what energizes you and do it.

Often the hardest part is getting started and getting beyond examinig all that is on your plate. A counselor once told me not to look at it from a bird’s eye view because it creates an overwhelming effect, but to zoom in and focus on one thing at a time. You may not get through everything you need to do, but you can only do what you can do with the time and energy you have. Feel free to say NO when you need to say NO.

As teachers, we are often overworked and pulled in too many directions. We often put others before ourselves and it is hard to learn to take care of ourselves. Addressing mental health is part of self-care for our minds, bodies, and souls. Remember, if your cup is empty, you can’t fill someone else’s cup. Here are 27 FREE COUNSELING OPTIONS FOR



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