Therapy Thursday

When we are feeling overwhelmed and stressed, it is important to externalize the feelings in some way. Finding an outlet to release these toxins from your body is important. Some exercise, others meditate, but an even better way to heal the overburdened soul is to laugh. Ask yourself how often you laugh. I know there are probably circumstance that I am unaware of in your life that makes it hard to laugh… I get it. I have been there recently. But laughter may be the best medicine for pain, stress, anxiety, anger, frustration, etc.

When you laugh, there is a chemical change within your body and nervous system. Here are some facts about how laughing changes your bodies chemistry:

  1. Endorphins are known as a “happy” brain chemical that acts as a natural pain killer—soothing stress, reducing anxiety, easing chronic pain, and just making you feel better, if only for a short time.
  2. It strengthens the immune system as it activates your body’s T cells (or immune system cells) to help you ward off germs, flues, and illness
  3. Laughter reduces the level of stress hormones (i.e., cortisol) coursing around in your body.
  4. Laughing swaps the cortisol in our bloodstream with highly sought-after chemicals in the brain: dopamine, oxytocin, and endorphins.
  5. Oxytocin is considered the “empathy hormone” and the “bonding chemical,” and when it enters the bloodstream it creates feelings of relatedness.
  6. Reducing the limbic response associated with “fight-or-flight” reactions.
  7.  Can decrease heart rate and blood pressure and relax muscle tension.

So, next time that stress monster appears, take a break and find something to laugh about. Watch a comedy or a comedian on Youtube, read jokes, or play a game with your family or kids. It will not only make you feel better, but it will do your body good!

As teachers, we are often overworked and pulled in too many directions. We often put others before ourselves and it is hard to learn to take care of ourselves. Addressing mental health is part of self-care for our minds, bodies, and souls. Remember, if your cup is empty, you can’t fill someone else’s cup. Here are 27 FREE COUNSELING OPTIONS FOR



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